Israel launches more airstrikes on Gaza, with no reported injuries, after more rocket attacks on southern Israel, but the truce is still being mostly observed by both sides. The BBC looks at how Palestinians in Gaza have dealt with years of war and blockade. A Hamas official says its leadership is unlikely to fulfill the agreement with Pres. Abbas this year. A new report by an Israeli human rights group says Israel has been illegally seizing land in the occupied West Bank. The World Bank warns that the Palestinian financial crisis and Israeli restrictions are threatening the institution-building program. Israel is going forward with plans to destroy Palestinian solar energy panels in the occupied territories. The Israeli military plans to acquire more long-range rockets.
Hussein Ibish says the latest round of violence helps set the stage for a potential third intifada. Maath Musleh says Palestinian youth should continue to demand national unity. Xinhua says the recent violence features new and old elements. Gideon Levy says Israelis have displayed a "destructive apathy" about the flareup of violence and deaths in Gaza. Ben Harris outlines the deep confusion behind recent state legislation in the US about Israel's occupation. Mya Guarnieri critiques Israel's policy of extra-judicial executions. Bilal Hassan reiterates that confronting Israeli occupation is a task for the whole Arab world, not just the Palestinians. Dawoud Abu Lebdeh asks if the "Arab Spring" has been good for the Palestinians or not. George Hale describes the difficulties journalists face dealing with Hamas. Peter Beinart says Jewish-American groups cannot be selectively opposed to one-state rhetoric depending on what perspective its coming from.
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