The US does not expect the Arab League to cancel direct negotiations. The New York Times reviews a new film about the death of Rachel Corrie. The Israeli military is facing more abusive videos mocking Palestinian prisoners. A deal may be brewing on settlements. Palestinian citizens of Israel condemn a proposed new loyalty oath. Hamas' military wing vows revenge after Israel kills two operatives in Hebron, and demands the PA stop suppressing violence. Pres. Abbas is threatening to resign if settlement activity continues, and Palestinians say that would mean dissolving the PA and transferring authority back to Israel. The US and Israel finalize a deal on F-35 stealth fighters. D. Bloomfield says Israel needs a real foreign minister. Hamas declares a “war on drugs.” Jewish Americans have a mixed reaction to a new film about Palestinian nonviolent protests. Osama Al Sharif says PM Netanyahu must realize Israel's interests are under threat from the status quo. Faisal Abbas says online videos have exposed Israeli abuses. Rami Khouri says unconditional US support for Israel's security undermines diplomacy.

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