Palestinians express optimism about the new national unity agreement. The signing ceremony in Cairo is delayed over a dispute whether Hamas leader Misha’al would give an address as well as Pres. Abbas. Palestinians say the US has not objected to the agreement. Four candidates are frontrunners to be the next Palestinian Prime Minister, not including incumbent Salam Fayyad. Jimmy Carter urges support for the deal. Huge gaps remain between Fatah and Hamas. Hamas leaders vow to never recognize Israel. An Abbas aide says Hamas doesn’t have to recognize Israel. Amr Moussa says Palestinian reconciliation will pressure Israel. PM Netanyahu tours Europe lobbying against the Palestinian unity deal. The National looks at the compromise behind the deal. Israeli conductor Daniel Barenboim performs in Gaza. Hamas executes a man convicted of collaboration. Jordan’s FM says the US role is vital to resuming negotiations. Ha’aretz says Netanyahu must present a new peace initiative in his upcoming Washington trip. Sefi Rachlevsky says Israel and Netanyahu faces simple choice between peace and becoming a racist state. The US expresses outrage at Hamas’ condemnation of the killing of Osama bin Laden. Ali Ibrahim finds Hamas’ praise of bin Laden to be “strange.” Netanyahu suspends a major East Jerusalem settlement project. The UK ambassador to Israel says security can only come through peace. Israel says it will recognize many unauthorized settler outposts. The new head of the Union for Reform Judaism is a member of J Street’s rabbinic cabinet.

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