Several articles examine prospects for renewed peace negotiations. PM Fayyad pledges to remove all settlement products from the Palestinian economy. The IDF will seek legal advice during future armed conflicts. Saudi Arabia backs Egypt's plan for new negotiations. The "Popular Resistance Committee" pledges vengeance after an Israeli attack kills one of its senior leaders. The US government says Israeli settlement activity in occupied East Jerusalem is harming prospects for peace. PM Netanyahu urges the international community to pressure Palestinians to return to negotiations. Egyptian police clash with international protesters. The Forward reviews Joe Sacco's new graphic novel about an Israeli massacre of Palestinians in Gaza in the 1950s. Hamas is under popular pressure to reconcile with Fatah. Emile Hokayem says both Israel and Hezbollah are preparing for a new conflict. Tariq Alhomayed says that Saudis will judge Hamas by their deeds and not their words.

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