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ATFP President Ziad Asali's Introduction for Sec. Clinton at Fifth Annual ATFP Gala
Speech by Ziad Asali at Washington, D.C. - October 20, 2010 - 12:00am Back to Gala 2010 Homepage TRANSCRIPT |
Verbal Testimony of Dr. Ziad J. Asali - U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Speech by Ziad Asali at - March 4, 2010 - 1:00am Back to Press Release VERBAL TESTIMONY OF DR. ZIAD J. ASALI President, American Task Force on Palestine U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry (D-MA) March 4, 2010 Mr. Chairman, I wish to thank you and the esteemed members of your Committee for the privilege of testifying before you. |
Asali addresses The Israel Project
Speech by Ziad Asali at National Press Club - June 21, 2010 - 12:00am Dear Jennifer, Thank you and the board and staff of The Israel Project for inviting me to address this distinguished audience. For those of us working here in the United States towards a reasonable and final end of conflict agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, the challenge is more daunting than in most contexts, and the stakes are higher. Those of us who care deeply about peace, Israel, the Palestinians and, above all, our own country, understand that it is our historic mission at this time to spare no effort and to work together towards achieving this crucial goal. |
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Opening Remarks by Ziad Asali at ATFP Fourth Annual Gala
Speech by Ziad Asali at Ritz Carlton, Washington DC - October 16, 2009 - 12:00am Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my pleasure to welcome you to our Gala tonight, the theme of which is “Palestine Alongside Israel: Liberty, Security, and Prosperity.” These are our goals as an organization, and are also the foundations upon which peace can be built and sustained. Security and prosperity are the essential components and deliverables of peace. They are the facilitators of the quest towards peace and they are the fruits that all the people in the region will enjoy once it is reached. |
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Ziad Asali Introduces Gen. Jim Jones at ATFP Fourth Annual Gala
Speech by Ziad Asali at Ritz Carlton, Washington DC - October 16, 2009 - 12:00am And now ladies and gentlemen it is my distinct pleasure to introduce our keynote speaker for the evening. ATFP is deeply honored to welcome the National Security Advisor to President Obama, General James Jones. General Jones has just joined us after attending another function, so he is not wearing a black tie. |
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Beyond Revenge: Support Peace, Tolerance, & Reconciliation
Speech by Ziad Asali at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - October 21, 2004 - 12:00am We are here today to pay respect to members of the families whose lives have been shattered by the untimely and violent and death of their relatives. They are here today, not just to share their grief, but also to share it publicly so other parents will be spared this unspeakable pain. |
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Remarks by Ziad Asali at Congressional Middle East Coexistence Conference
Speech by Ziad Asali at 2325 Rayburn Building - February 12, 2004 - 1:00am The Holy Land, a tiny sliver of the landmass of this earth, has generated emotions of unbridled intensity. It offered sublime guidance to mankind and made unparalleled contributions to the best in civilizations and cultures while at the same time releasing wayward passions that bred violence, death and destruction. It appealed to the most noble of instincts as it did to the most base and banal corners of people's souls. It has been an open wound whose healing has defied the wisdom of the best minds for a century or more. |
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Arab-American Perceptions of U.S. Policy Toward the Middle East
Speech by Ziad Asali at U.S. Dept. of State - March 26, 2002 - 1:00am The tragic events of September 11th have had a profound impact on the relationship between the United States and the Arab and Islamic Worlds. The war on terrorism in Afghanistan is the first phase of a long, opaque and complex engagement that will define international relations for decades to come. Arab Americans, both Christians and Muslims, have had the unique experience of being doubly impacted by this tragedy: first as Americans, and secondly as people of Arab heritage. We will be in this unique position, filled with dangers and opportunities, for the foreseeable future. |
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The Past, the Present and a Better Future
Speech by Ziad Asali at Carnegie Mellon University - October 18, 2004 - 12:00am This is my first visit to Pittsburgh and it is quite a pleasure to be here. In the mid-seventies my son, barely four years at the time, became a big fan of the Steelers and Bradshaw, so I became one too. I watched more football games with him than I would by temperament, past the glory days of his beloved Steelers, to shift my loyalty, after my son’s, to our home team, the Chicago Bears, through their short lived glory in 1985, but we stuck with them. We still support a struggling team. |
On the Historic Compromise
Speech by Ziad Asali at Cornell University - November 4, 2004 - 1:00am Last year, my wife and I had the pleasure of visiting Ithaca and enjoyed the hospitality of Watermargin. The idyllic surroundings, which I assume most of you take for granted, and the kind and inquisitive reception by your students as I addressed them, has created in my mind an association of Cornell with pleasant and soothing memories. So when Professor Michelle Campos asked me to come to Cornell, all we needed to discuss was when, because I could not resist visiting these gorges again. |