
Pres. Abbas says there is no evidence Hamas is responsible for the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers. (Xinhua)
Some analysts think Israel is using a massive operation in the occupied Palestinian territories regarding the teenagers to scupper the agreement between Fatah and Hamas. (Xinhua)
Two Palestinians are killed and 37 are arrested in raids by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank. (AP/ Ma'an)
The Israeli operation, in its current form, may be nearing its end. (Ha'aretz)
The PA may approach the Security Council over Israel's "aggression." (Ma'an)
Turkish pathologist says a Palestinian detainee was beaten before dying in an Israeli jail. (Ha'aretz)
An Israeli teenager is killed in an explosion near the border with Syria. (Xinhua)
Israeli settlers open fire on Palestinian protesters near Ramallah. (Ma'an)
The Presbyterian Church in the United States votes to divest from some companies doing business in the occupied Palestinian territories. (The Guardian)
Factions agree a cease-fire in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in Syria. (AP/BBC)
The Israeli military conducts an airstrike near the border with, or inside, Syria. (Ha'aretz/AP)
Sunni extremists now control much of Iraq's western border. (Washington Post)
The ability of the Iraqi army to turn the tide against Sunni extremists is doubted. (New York Times)
Sec. Kerry urges Iraqis to form a new, inclusive government, and says the whole region is threatened by chaos in Iraq. (New York Times/AP)
Iraqis in Baghdad fear the worst awaits them. (AP)
Kerry is on a surprise visit to Egypt, which experts say signals a breakthrough in bilateral relations. (Xinhua)
Kerry says the US is poised to resume full relations with Egypt, including US aid, while urging more moderate policies. (New York Times/AP)
Three Al Jazeera reporters are sentenced to seven years in prison in Egypt. (AP/BBC)
Noted Middle East scholar Fouad Ajami passes away. (New York Times/AP
Bakir Oweida says, between the kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers and Israel's West Bank offensive, the Fatah-Hamas agreement may be unraveling. (Asharq Al Awsat)
Ben Caspit says the Palestinian agreement was unraveling anyway. (Al Monitor)
Shlomi Eldar says the kidnappings and offensive are forcing Hamas to rethink its strategy. (Al Monitor)
Adnan Abu Amer says Hamas is afraid Israel will deport its leaders. (Al Monitor)
Ben-Dror Yemini says Israel has a partner in Abbas. (Ynet)
Hagai El-Ad says Palestinian suffering goes undocumented in Israel, and when it is recognized it is regarded as a conspiracy. (Ha'aretz)
Rafael Ahren asks if Israel's West Bank offensive is a human rights violation. (Times of Israel)
Ryan Crocker says the US should reengage with the Iraq. (Washington Post)
Murhaf Jouejati says ISIS' advance in Iraq should mean more weapons aid for the Syrian opposition. (Al Monitor)
Abdullah Al-Madani says the GCC should move towards greater union, but Salim Bin Ahmed Sahab disagrees. (Asharq Al Awsat)
Mustafa Akyol says the Kurds are Turkey's best ally. (New York Times)

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