
On Stage In Jerusalem, Jewish And Arab Audiences Hear The Other Side Of The Story
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The Christian Science Monitor
by Ilene Prusher - October 5, 2007 - 3:21pm

The characters: six Jerusalemites. The setting: the embattled city claimed by both Israelis and Palestinians. The point: to get people listening to narratives they didn't think they wanted to hear. Jerusalem Stories is a series of dramatic monologues that are being performed in Jewish and Arab parts of the city, in Hebrew and in Arabic, with the aim of challenging audiences to empathize with the other side – or the "enemy," as many here would say.

Idea Raised Of Two Capitals In Jerusalems
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The Associated Press
by Barry Schweid - October 5, 2007 - 3:14pm

Five former State Department and Pentagon officials are proposing Israeli and Palestinian capitals in Jerusalem and excluding Arab refugees from returning to Israel as part of an Middle East accord. In a six-page policy statement submitted to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, they also suggested a series of peace conferences following the one she hopes to convene next month, probably in Annapolis, Md.

The Christian Science Monitor looks at how a theatrical production involving a series of monologues called 'Jerusalem Stories' is being performed in both Wast and West Jerusalem in an attempt to get Israelis and Palestinians to empathize with each other (2.) The Forward poses questions concerning the opportunities and challenges associated with the current peace momentum to a group of Israeli, American and Palestinian experts in the field (4.) In Slate, founder Michael Kinsley explores the paradox of how right-wing pro-Israel organizations in the U.S. perpetuate the very anti-Semitic stereotypes they object to by touting their own political influence publicly (6.) In his 'Prospects For Peace' blog, New America and Century Foundation's Daniel Levy reviews the Walt/Mearsheimer book on the Israel lobby and finds that it contributes positively to a rethink about the U.S.-Israeli relationship and that the authors are not driven by prejudice (7.) BBC (UK) examines how the Palestinian economy has 'de-developed' over the past few years due to international sanction and Israel's closure policy (9.) Haaretz (Israel) looks at reports that the fall Mideast meeting joint statement will refer to core issues but in a non-committal and only on those already agree upon (12.) A Haaretz editorial offers six reasons why reaching an agreement at the fall meeting will be more difficult than at Camp David in 2000 (13.)

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