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An ATFP translation of an article by Hasan Khader in Al-Ayyam daily suggests that there may be a double standard in the Arab world for judging human rights violations (1). Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert faces three no-confidence votes as the investigation into alleged bribery continues to challenge his position (3). Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announces that he will remove his troops in the West Bank if the IDF does not cease their operations there (4) (7). Barack Obama pledges to take up the Palestinian-Israeli issue immediately after taking office (5). The ceasefire is holding in Gaza but Hamas warns that it will not last much longer if Israel continues the current state of siege (9). Meanwhile, YNet News reports on Gazans reliance on underground tunnels for smuggling in the goods that they cannot access (11).
An IDF soldier is arrested following the release of video of the shooting of a Palestinian prisoner (1) (4). British Prime Minister Gordon Brown demands an end to Israeli settlement construction and promises more aid for the Palestinian economy (5). Israel continues its actions against allegedly Hamas-affiliated institutions in the West Bank (7). There is speculation that Israel might be willing to release Marwan Barghouti in exchange for IDF soldier Gilad Shalit (9) (11). Barack Obama is set to visit Israel and Palestine later this week (10) (12).
The Israeli government faces criticism for their recent raids on institutions in the West Bank (1) (6). The prisoner exchange between Hezbollah and Israel is received with a host of different reactions (2) (8) (9) (10). The Nation features an article detailing the ongoing struggle against the Israeli separation barrier in the West Bank town of Ni’lin (5). The U.S. government has reportedly invited Palestinian and Israeli negotiators to Washington for peace talks at the end of the month (7).
Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama kicks off an international tour including five Middle Eastern states (1). An op-ed in the German daily Der Speigel urges a strong American presence in the Middle East peace process (3). A recent poll by J Street, a Washington based Jewish lobby, finds that the views of American Jews on the Middle East may be more dovish than is commonly believed (5) (11). The Israel-Hamas ceasefire continues to hold, but few tangible gains have been made for Gazans (7). The Fatah government intervenes in the IDF crackdown on allegedly Hamas-affiliated organizations in the West Bank (8) (10).
The Economist discusses the recent inaugural meeting of the Mediterranean Union (1). The much anticipated prisoner swap between Israel and Hezbollah is carried out, to mixed reactions (2) (9). The IDF continues their crackdown on Hamas-affiliated organizations in the West Bank (3) (5). Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair cancels his planned visit to Gaza (8) and expresses his doubts about the prospects for a peace agreement this year (7).

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