Daily News Issue Date: 
October 9, 2014
PM Hamdallah convenes the first new PA government meeting in Gaza. (Reuters/AP/Ma’an/PNN/Ha’aretz)

Pres. Abbas says Israel is transforming the conflict into a religious war. (Ma’an)
Egypt says 30 foreign ministers and more than 50 delegations will participate in a Cairo conference on rebuilding Gaza. (Ma’an)
Palestinian Minister of Civil Affairs al-Sheikh says reconstruction materials will enter Gaza next week. (Ma’an)
The US says Israel must play a role in rebuilding Gaza. (PNN/Ha’aretz/AFP)
Israeli occupation forces seize three acres of farm land near Bethlehem. (PNN)
Israel is increasingly targeting Palestinian children and teenagers in crackdowns on protests. (The National)
The City Council of Lille is freezing its sister city agreement with Safed to press Israel to end the conflict with the Palestinians. (Ha’aretz)
The US-led coalition targets positions of ISIS near the Syrian border town of Kobani. (AP/Washington Post)
ISIS extremists seize more than a third of Kobani, despite airstrikes. (Reuters/New York Times)
The US and its allies are frustrasted by Turkish inaction on Syria. (AP/New York Times)
Turkish FM Cavusoglu says a ground operation in Kobani is unrealistic. (Reuters)
Pres. Obama says the US will keep making progress against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. (AP)
King Abdullah of Jordan meets with Gen. Allen in Amman. (Jordan Times)
The US is stepping up its fight to block ISIS volunteers from travelling to Syria and Iraq. (New York Times)
UNHCR says more funds are needed for the million of Syrian refugees in Turkey. (Reuters)
The UN says Jordan is refusing to let Syrian refugees cross the border. (New York Times)
Families are torn apart as more Western girls and women join jihadists in Syria and Iraq. (Reuters)
Iran reportedly denies entry to an American member of the IAEA. (Reuters/AP)
A suicide bombing in Yemen kills at least 50 people. (AP)
Hussein Ibish says Hisham Melhem is right about the collapse of Arab societies, but there is a need and basis for hope. (Now)
Faisal Al Yafai says frustration and alienation alone cannot explain the allure of jihad. (The National)
Asher Schechter imagines what a one-state Israel would look like. (Ha’aretz)
The Daily Star says Turkey is manipulating the battle of Kobani as part of a geopolitical struggle. (Daily Star)
The New York Times says Turkey’s refusal to fight ISIS is hurting the Kurds. (New York Times)
Sinan Ulgen says by refusing to aid the Syrian Kurds, Turkey's leaders are alienating allies and derailing the peace process at home. (New York Times)
Michael Young says the US must accept that for three years they neglected Syria and allowed the situation to deteriorate to the point where they have to intervene today.  (Daily Star)
Abdul Rahman Al Rashed says the US must choose between Iran and the rest of the Arab world in the fight against ISIS. (Al Arabiya)
UAE FM bin Zayed says defeating extremism will be a long and complex ideological struggle. (The National)
Manal Omar says the US-led coalition should defeat  both ISIS and Pres. Assad. (Foreign Policy)
Firas Maksad says the Druze community in Syria is influential because it is equidistant from the dictatorship and extremist opposition groups. (Foreign Affairs)
Joyce Karam says VP Biden should apologize to the people of Kobani. (Al Arabiya)

Michael Young says Lebanon can serve as a model for the Arab world. (The National)

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