Daily News Issue Date: 
September 25, 2014


Pres. Obama tells UN General Assembly that status quo in the West Bank and Gaza is “unsustainable.” (Ha’aretz/Times of Israel/Reuters)

The Palestinian unity government will reportedly take immediate control of Gaza. (AFP/Jerusalem Post) 

PM Netanyahu says Cairo ceasefire talks are aimed at bolstering Israel’s security, not a peace deal with the Palestinians. (AFP)

PLO official Ashrawi says its time for the UK and Europe to recognize the state of Palestine. (PNN)

Despite the truce, Gaza fishermen are still under fire at sea. (AFP)

Israel closes the Jenin checkpoint for Rosh Hashana. (Ma’an)

Obama calls on the international community to rally behind his expanding military campaign to stamp out ISIS and its "network of death." (AP/New York Times/JTA)

US-led air strikes target Syrian oil installations held by ISIS extremists. (AP/Washington Post/The National)

France is considering whether to extend its air strikes to Syria. (AP/Reuters)

King Abdullah of Jordan urges the international defeat of jihadists. (Times of Israel/Jordan Times)

Kurdish forces in northern Syria are pushing back an advance by ISIS extremists towards the border town of Koban. (Reuters)

An Iraqi woman activist, Samira Salih al-Nuaimi, is killed by ISIS. (AP)

An Algerian offshoot of Al-Qaeda beheads a French hostage. (AP)

The World Food Program says more than 1 million Iraqis are receiving emergency food aid. (Reuters) 

The US and France warn their citizens of risk of attacks in Turkey. (Reuters)

The New York Times looks at the threat from the Khorasan group. (New York Times)

The Treasury Department imposes new terrorism sanctions on people and entities that support ISIS. (New York Times)

ISIS’ follows an interpretation of Islam rooted in Saudi religious thought. (New York Times)

UAE confirms first female pilot, Major Mariam Al Mansouri, is leading air strikes against ISIS. (The National)

A raid by the Lebanese army at the Syrian border, kills one militant. (Reuters)

Pres. Rouhani praises cooperation with the US. (New York Times)

Egypt denounces Pres. Erdogan’s negative comments regarding Pres. Sisi. (Xinhua/Ha’aretz)

The EU warns that Al-Qaeda may carry out attacks to assert its relevancy. (Ha’aretz)


Michael Young looks at the legacy of Camp David. (The National)

Roger Cohen says Obama is right to lead on ISIS. (New York Times)

Jeffrey Goldberg looks at Obama’s speech at the UN General Assembly. (The Atlantic)

The National says Arab states are right to join the fight against ISIS. (The National)

The Jordan Times says the fight against ISIS is “our war.” (Jordan Times)

David Rothkopf says behind the scenes at the UN, a more unsettling story emerges of Syria, Iraq, and fighting ISIS. (Foreign Policy)

Dov Zakheim says its time to retool Obama’s anti-ISIS strategy to one of containment. (Foreign Policy)

The New York Times says it is significant that world leaders have realized the need to take action against violent extremists crossing borders. (New York Times)

Michael Young says the Lebanese army is being “sucked” into Syria. (Daily Star) 

Joyce Karam looks at Iran’s relationship with Al-Qaeda. (Al Arabiya)

Eyad Abu Shakra asks if we have entered the “Iranian era.” (Asharq al-Awsat)

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