Daily News Issue Date: 
July 29, 2014


The Palestinian Ministry of Health says more than 102 Palestinians have been killed in the last 14 hours, bringing the death toll to over 1200. (Ma’an)

The Israeli military says five more of its soldiers have been killed. (Ma’an/JTA/Times of Israel)

PM Netanyahu warns of a protracted war in Gaza. (Reuters/AP/New York Times/Washington Post)

Israel escalates its military campaign against Hamas. (AP)

PLO official Yasser Abed Rabbo says all Palestinian factions are prepared to announce a unilateral 72-hour cease-fire. (Times of Israel/Jerusalem Post/Ynet/AFP)

Gaza’s sole power plant is knocked out by an Israeli airstrike. (Reuters/Ma’an/JTA/The National)

The Al-Quds Brigades claim responsibility for a number of rockets fired into Israel over the course of the day.(Ma’an)

Israel and Hamas trade blame for the deaths of nine Palestinian children in Gaza. (AP)

Israel strikes the house of Hamas leader Haniyeh. (Reuters/New York Times/Washington Post)

The Obama administration is accusing some in Israel of launching a "misinformation campaign"against Sec. Kerry. (AP/Ha’aretz) 

Israel’s Amb. to the US Dermer says attacks on Kerry are “unwarranted.” (JTA)

US lawmakers are pressing the Obama administration to take no action that puts pressure on Israel to halt its military campaign. (AP/Times of Israel)

UNSG Ban reinforces the Security Council's call for an immediate and unconditional humanitarian ceasefire. (AP)

Palestinian doctors save a newborn from her dead mother's womb in Gaza. (AFP)

A poll indicates 90% of Jewish Israelis believe the Gaza operation is justified. (Ynet)

Two Jewish Israeli settlers attempt to kidnap a Palestinian child in occupied Jerusalem. (Ma’an)

The US is confirming that a 15-year-old American citizen is being held by Israeli authorities for his alleged role in protests in occupied East Jerusalem. (AP)

Eid celebrations stay low-key in the occupied West Bank. (The Media Line)

An IS video wages a psychological war on Iraqi soldiers. (Reuters)


Roger Cohen says Hamas is a product of an untenable situation that Israel has reinforced rather than sought to resolve. (New York Times)

Asmaa Al-Ghoul gives a firsthand account of life inside Khan Younis. (Al-Monitor)

David Ignatius says Kerry made a “significant mistake” in how he’s pursuing a Gaza ceasefire. (Washington Post)

David Brooks says the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become just a stage on which the regional clashes in the Arab world are being expressed. (New York Times)

Nahum Barnea says Israel’s decision makers never imagined that after 10 days of fighting on the ground, the Israeli military death toll would cross the 50 mark. (Ynet)

Akiva Eldar says the Israeli public believes Netanyahu’s “existential threat” warnings. (Al-Monitor)

Steven Cook says a decade of American and Israeli missteps have undermined Pres. Abbas’ message of moderation. (Times of Israel)

Ha’aretz says Pres. Obama is not Israel’s enemy. (Ha’aretz)

Emily Hauser says Gaza is a trigger for Jewish American tension. (Ha’aretz)

Mohamad Bazzi says Israel must heed the lessons of history over Gaza. (The National) 

Suleiman Gouda says the emptying of Iraqi Christians in Mosul demonstrates the plight of Christians in the Arab world. (Asharq al-Awsat)

Keith Johnson says IS is the newest “petrostate.” (Foreign Policy)

Diana Moukalled says in Lebanon everybody has become either a defector or a deserter. (Asharq al-Awsat)

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