Daily News Issue Date: 
March 14, 2014


Sec. Kerry says Israel’s insistence on demanding the Palestinians recognize Israel as a “Jewish state” is a mistake. (PNN/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post)

Pres. Abbas says the Palestinians were not asked to extend the peace talks. (Xinhua)

PM Cameron announces British investments in Palestinian businesses. (Jerusalem Post)

A poll indicates that Israelis consider peace with the Arab world more important than recognition as a “Jewish state.”(Ha’aretz)

Gaza rockets persist despite the truce with Israel. (Reuters/Ha’aretz/Jerusalem Post/The National)

Egypt reportedly “intentionally” bypassed Hamas and negotiated directly with Islamic Jihad on the Gaza ceasefire. (Ma’an)

A three-year-old Palestinian child dies due to the closure of the Rafah crossing. (Ma’an)

Gaza is hit by the worst economic crisis since Hamas seized power. (AP)

Peace Now releases a satirical video of politicians and activists dressed up as “right wingers.” (Ha’aretz)

Bethlehem activists give Abbas money to help the Palestinian refugees in Yarmouk. (Ma’an)

“BDS” activists will release a smartphone app to help people boycott Israel. (Ha’aretz/Ynet)

FM al-Moallem is rushed to a Lebanese hospital. (AP)

The new Syrian presidential election law would exclude most opposition leaders. (Reuters)

UN Envoy Brahimi says an election in Syria will not help the peace talks. (Reuters/New York Times)

Former Gen. Shafik calls promise of free elections in Egypt a “farce.” (New York Times)

Egypt summons European envoys over human rights criticisms. (Xinhua)

An international meeting in Baghdad vows to fight terrorism. (Xinhua)


Hussein Ibish argues Israel’s “Jewish state”’ demand turns the clock back before the PLO’s 1993 recognition of Israel. (Ha’aretz)

Amos Harel asks if Israel will invade Gaza again. (Foreign Policy)

The Jerusalem Post says Hamas’s weakness presents unique opportunities for Israel. (Jerusalem Post)

The National says water has a key role in peace and stability in the Middle East. (The National)

Elliott Abrams and Uri Sadot say "the critical figure to monitor is the number of Israeli houses built outside such blocs in areas intended for the future state of Palestine." (Washington Post)

Ha’aretz says Israel’s real leader and navigator is Economy Minister Bennett. (Ha’aretz)

Joseph Nye says Pres. Obama faces a moral dilemma in Syria: prudence or indifference. (Daily Star)

Abdul Rahman Al Rashed asks why people are praising Jabhat Al-Nusra for releasing kidnaped nuns in Syria. (Al Arabiya)

David Ignatius says the US needs an alternate strategy for strengthening Syrian moderates. (Washington Post)

John Glaser says the Syrian and Ukrainian conflicts are not related. (Daily Star)

Alan Philps says the crisis in Crimea is bound to affect the Middle East. (The National)

Alaa Al Aswany says, for the first time, Egyptians are seeing their leader ridiculed on television while still in power. (New York Times)

The Christian Science Monitor says Turkey’s protests represent a spontaneous uprising for individual freedoms and honest government. (Christian Science Monitor)

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