Daily News Issue Date: 
July 3, 2013


A new poll shows 62% of Israelis and 53% of Palestinians support a two-state solution. (PNN/Times of Israel)

Sec. Kerry is reportedly eager to return to the region to resume Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. (AP)

A Hamas committee acquits one of its members in the death of an Islamic Jihad cadre. (Ma'an)

Pres. Abbas is visiting Lebanon for three days to discuss Palestinian refugees and other matters. (Ma'an)

Al-Quds University signs an agreement with the EU and UNDP to preserve Palestinian cultural heritage in Jerusalem's Old City. (Ma'an/PNN)

Exuberant fans greet Arab Idol winner Mohammed Assaf at a free concert in Ramallah. (Christian Science Monitor)

Gaza residents face growing crime, drug addiction and other social ills. (Xinhua)

A right-wing Israeli MK vows that one day he will return to his former home in an evacuated Gaza settlement. (Jerusalem Post)

The Palestine Monetary Authority issues disappointing overall economic performance results for June, particularly in Gaza. (PNN)

90% of Palestinian sewerage in the occupied West Bank is flowing into the ground untreated, in part because of the lack of cooperation between the parties. (Ha'aretz)

Gaza's polluted beaches provide a respite from summer heat, but also an indicator of broader problems. (Al Monitor)

Racism remains a huge problem in Israeli soccer. (Ha'aretz)

A candidate for Israel's new Sephardi Chief Rabbi will be questioned about alleged anti-Arab racist comments. (Times of Israel)

Israel arrests three Palestinians accused of involvement in a drive-by shooting. (Jerusalem Post)

Israelis and Palestinians express nervousness about unrest in Egypt. (Times of Israel/The Media Line)

Israel is witnessing a sharp decline in migrants from Africa. (Xinhua)


ATFP intern Miriam Awadallah says Kanye West will have to step aside, Assaf is now her new idol. (Sharnoff’s Global Views)

Shaul Arieli says Israel cannot live by the sword alone and must recognize the Palestinian right to statehood. (Ha'aretz)

Ari Harrow makes a right-wing Israeli case against peace with the Palestinians, calling it "realism." (Jerusalem Post)

Shlomi Eldar says Kerry's efforts are probably in vain. (Al Monitor)

Oren Kessler agrees Kerry is trying to kickstart a peace process nobody wants. (Foreign Policy)

Alan Elsner says cautious optimism is the only reasonable response to Kerry's initiatives. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)

Paul Pillar also says Kerry deserves applause but judgment on the outcome should be withheld. (The National Interest)

Elliott Abrams questions what can be accomplished if Israeli-Palestinian negotiations actually resume. (CFR)

Musa Keilani says everyone wants a two-state solution but Israel's policies must change for that to be accomplished. (Gulf Today)

Matthew Duss says a two-state solution is still essential to the American national interest. (Center for American Progress)

Ido Kenan says a wide range of Israelis are protesting a government decision to shut down a Palestinian children's festival in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ha'aretz)

Yossi Verter says PM Netanyahu has completely lost control of his own Likud party. (Ha'aretz)

Mazal Mualem interviews MK Zandberg, who endorses a boycott of settlement goods. (Al Monitor)

Stewart Ain interviews MK Koll, who says there is no alternative to a two-state solution. (Jewish Week)

Ben Caspit says Israel is cautiously optimistic that the difficulties facing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will also damage Hamas. (Al Monitor)

The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem describes the ordeal Palestinian workers face going to their jobs in Israel. (B'Tselem)

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