Daily News Issue Date: 
May 29, 2013


Israeli occupation forces demolish two Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem. (Ma'an)

Israeli authorities open an investigation of police and border guards for allegedly abusing a Palestinian. (Xinhua)

Hamas angrily retorts to Pres. Abbas' recent speech by saying capturing Israeli soldiers is essential. (Times of Israel)

Hamas continues to function in the West Bank despite continued efforts to suppress its activities by the PA. (Reuters)

Israeli settlers torch Palestinian vehicles in the occupied West Bank. (Xinhua)

Israeli occupation forces arrest Hamas, Fatah and Islamic Jihad activists in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. (Ma'an)

Abbas commemorates the anniversary of the creation of the PLO. (Ma'an)

Israel's chief negotiator Livni says Abbas should be pressured to negotiate. (Jerusalem Post)

Former FM Lieberman takes the stand in his corruption trial. (Xinhua)

Muslim clerics visit Auschwitz and learn about the Holocaust firsthand. (The Forward)

A Dubai-based charity employs Palestinian women in the occupied territories making handcrafted clothing and fashion accessories. (The National)


The New York Times says Israelis and Palestinians would be foolish to squander Kerry's "determined and encouraging" peacemaking efforts. (New York Times)

The ICG says Palestinian politics are transforming quickly, and need to be protected by immediate economic, security and diplomatic measures. (International Crisis Group)

Osama Al Sharif says it would be great for the US to help the Palestinians rebuild their economy, but if independence doesn't follow, then it's all a ruse. (Jordan Times)

Stephen Walt says, if Kerry is trying to bribe the Palestinians, it won't work. (Foreign Policy)

Zvi Bar'el says by presenting Abbas as a partner, Pres. Peres is challenging a major platform of Israeli propaganda. (Ha'aretz)

Ariela Ringel-Hoffman says the Israeli right can rely on Abbas to disprove Peres' assessment every time. (YNet)

Shlomi Eldar reiterates that a two-state solution is practically, but not at present politically, possible, but he has no idea what the alternative might be. (Al Monitor)

Adnan Abu Amer interviews jailed Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti. (Al Monitor)

The New York Times and the LA Times separately interview gambling mogul Sheldon Adelson, who is noted for his support of far right-wing Israeli causes. (New York Times/Los Angeles Times)

James Cartwright and Amos Yadlin say the US, not Israel, should launch any strike against Iranian nuclear facilities and explain how. (The Atlantic)

Carlo Strenger says Jewish identity is not racist or nationalist. (Ha'aretz)

Moshe Arens says Israel desperately needs to rethink its approach to its Bedouin citizens. (Ha'aretz)

Omar Shaban says the Palestinian Securities Exchange should be transformed from a private to a public company. (Al Monitor)

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