Daily News Issue Date: 
May 13, 2013


Several Palestinians are injured by Israeli occupation forces during Nakba day protests in the West Bank. (Ma'an)
Hundreds of Arab and Jewish students commemorate the Nakba at Tel Aviv University. (Xinhua)
Pres. Putin and PM Netanyahu discuss Syria. (AP)
Israel is moving to bolster the Palestinian economy and build ties to the PA. (Xinhua)
Israel shuts Gaza's only commercial crossing for Jewish holidays. (Xinhua)
Human rights groups say Pres. Abbas is preparing to criminalize torture. (Ma'an)
Palestinians say settlers burn fields near Nablus. (Ma'an)
Jewish extremists are accused of "price tag" attacks inside Israel and the occupied territories. (Ma'an)
A Palestinian man convicted of hijacking a plane in 1968 has been deported from Canada after 26 years in prison. (AP)
In remarks targeted mainly at the Syrian regime, Hamas says it rejects the rule of any Arab state over Palestinians. (Xinhua)
Netanyahu is under fire for his allegedly "costly lifestyle" at the public expense. (AP)
Israeli occupation authorities plan to build about 1,000 Palestinian homes in "Area C." (Jerusalem Post)
Shlomi Eldar says he knows the basics of Sec. Kerry's peace proposal. (Al Monitor)
Ami Ayalon says the recent Arab League statement on land swaps was nothing new. (Ha'aretz)
Anshel Pfeffer is concerned about the dreams some Israelis have to destroy Muslim holy places and replace them with a Jewish temple. (Ha'aretz)
Linah Alsaafin says the PA is struggling to find a way to stop Israeli expansion in the occupied Jordan Valley. (Al Monitor)
Hilary Rose and Steven Rose say Steven Hawking's boycott of an Israeli government conference was significant because of the importance of science to Israel's economy. (The Guardian)
Steve Caplan says Hawking should have gone to Israel and listened to Israelis and Palestinians. (The Guardian)
Moshe Arens says Israel is already a binational state and must do more to integrate its Arab citizens. (Ha'aretz)
Abeer Ayyoub says Palestinians were divided over the visit of Islamist cleric Qaradawi to Gaza. (Al Monitor)
Elisheva Goldberg says a new candidate for Sephardi Chief Rabbi in Israel is a noted anti-Arab racist. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)
Bernard Avishai says Israelis need to rethink the interplay between peace and security in light of regional instability. (Daily Beast/Open Zion)
Larry Diamond says Israel and its neighbors desperately need a US-brokered two-state solution. (The Atlantic)
Ori Nir says Israelis and others need to stop pretending the occupation is normal or routine. (Chicago Tribune)

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