The Jordan Times (Editorial)
December 15, 2010 - 1:00am

Now it is out in the open that the US has given up trying to convince Israel to stop its settlement activities on Palestinian lands, including East Jerusalem.
It is either because Israel is not listening or that the US administration does not want to be forceful enough. The end result is that the euphoria generated earlier by the resumption of direct peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians is short-lived.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is no novice when it comes to internal US politics and must have realised that President Barack Obama is a wounded leader, especially after the revolt by his own Democratic Party against his taxation policy in favour of the very rich.

It is also the end of year when everything comes to a standstill in all walks of life and US diplomacy with regard the Middle East is no exception.

From the looks of things, the Palestinian side may have to mark time until there is a fundamental change of the political climate at the White House.

This could come about when the domestic scene for President Obama changes for the better.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas may have to change gears and start playing other cards in his possession to get things really moving on the Palestinian front.

Whatever is being done does not seem sufficient to make Israel mend its overall perspective on the peace process.

Something is holding up Israel from moving in that direction. This status quo on the Palestinian question cannot go forever and something has got to give.

At the rate things are developing, the eruption of another wave of violence may be imminent.


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