Ma'an News Agency
September 28, 2009 - 12:00am

Muhammad Dahlan, a member of Fatah's Central Committee, warned on Sunday a third intifada could arise in light of "Israel's contempt for the feelings of Muslims."

Responding to clashes that left dozens of Palestinians injured by police batons and tear-gas canisters on Sunday, Dahlan condemned Israel for allowing "extremist Jewish groups" to "storm the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

In a statement, Dahlan said he considered "the violation of the sanctity of Al-Aqsa playing with fire and crossing red lines." He said Israeli authorities permitted groups to enter the area to "attack worshipers inside."

Palestinians would not stand idly by, he warned, holding the Israeli government responsible for repercussions of what he called a dangerous attack that was carried out by "extremist groups in East Jerusalem."

Dahlan called on all Palestinian factions to forget their own internal problems and stand as one in the face of the "Judaization" of Jerusalem and the Palestinian cause. He stressed the need to respond to such threats via national unity and an end to factional division.


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