Ali Waked
August 28, 2008 - 12:00am,7340,L-3589041,00.html

Palestinian sources said an IDF force operating in the West Bank town of Nablus during the early hours of Thursday morning apprehended Mahmoud Lubada, a member of Fatah's Al-Aqsa Brigades who was pardoned by Israel as part of the recent Amnesty deal with the Palestinian Authority.

In the framework of the agreement some 270 West Bank gunmen began a three-month probation period. Those who refrained from engaging in terror activity during this time were subsequently removed from Israel's most wanted list and allowed to move freely within Palestinian controlled Zone-A without fear of IDF arrest.

However, Israel reserved the right to arrest any al-Aqsa members who resume their terror-related activities. The Palestinians claim Lubada remained committed to the amnesty deal, has not returned to his terrorist ways and had complied with the demands of the Palestinian Authority.

Earlier this week Ynet reported that an additional 45 wanted Fatah men were granted full or partial amnesty from Israel and are now allowed to move freely within Zone-A. Twenty other wanted AL-Aqsa members who have been detained by the Palestinian Authority will be released if they agree to reside in PA headquarters throughout the West Bank.


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