The low bar for peace in Israel
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from The Miami Herald
by Frida Ghitis - (Opinion) April 26, 2012 - 12:00am

After months of having no top-level contacts, Israelis and Palestinians had planned a symbolic event. At the end of Passover, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad would visit Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Fayyad, the plan went, would come bearing a letter from Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. The letter would restate the Palestinian demand that Israel cease all settlement activity as a pre-requisite for talks. Nothing new, but a little movement. The bar could not go much lower.

PA Communications Minister to Resign
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ma'an News Agency
April 27, 2012 - 12:00am

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The Palestinian Authority communications minister intends to resign from Salam Fayyad's government, according to sources in Ramallah. Fayyad was expected to accept Mashour Abu Daka's resignation Thursday, the sources said. A Palestinian Authority spokesman could not confirm Fayyad's position. In his letter of resignation, seen by Ma'an, the minister said Fayyad's government had already resigned. He called the decision personal and "necessary to put an end to the waiting." The minister said it had been "a great privilege" to serve in the cabinet.

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