June 11th

The Israeli security cabinet votes to continue pursuing cease-fire negotiations with Hamas, though the possibility of military action in Gaza remains on the table (1). Pressure on Israel for a thorough investigation into the April death of a Reuters cameraman in Gaza continues (4). The future of the Israeli parliament is uncertain as more join the call to name a new Prime Minister (5) (10). The newest poll from the Palestinian Center for Policy & Survey Research looks at public attitudes (7). The Fulbright scholarships are in the headlines again as Egypt denies entry to a U.S. scholar (9).

No Good Reason For Gaza Op
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Haaretz
(Editorial) June 11, 2008 - 5:30pm

 The prime minister\'s skills as a military leader were tested in the Second Lebanon War and documented in the Winograd Report. The State of Israel paid dearly for the decision to go to war against Hezbollah in July 2006, a price that is still difficult to gage in terms of loss of deterrance. Hezbollah came out of that war politically and militarily strengthened, and the explanation that this was a justified war turned out to be worthless.

One Decisive Blow
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ynetnews
by Ariella Ringel-hoffman - (Opinion) June 11, 2008 - 5:27pm

The decision, or at least recommendation, whether it would be good for Israel to go for a ceasefire agreement with Hamas in Gaza is supposed to be taken Wednesday in a meeting between the prime minister, defense minister, and foreign minister ahead of the cabinet meeting. This trio was referred to as a “winning forum” six months ago exactly. Today, regrettably, not much has been left of the forum, and nothing has been left of the “winning.”

Knesset Voted To Amend ‘intifada Law’
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ynetnews
by Zvi Lavi - June 11, 2008 - 5:23pm

Palestinians who sustain damages to person or property as a result of IDF activity in the West Bank may soon find it nigh impossible to file a lawsuit against the State of Israel. The Knesset on Tuesday passed an amendment of the so-called 'Intifada law' (civil damages act) in its first reading. The government's bill proposal seeks to expand the definition of the term 'military act,' under which the state is exempt from being held accountable for damage incurred in counterterrorism operations. The immunity currently pertains only to limited situations.

Idf: Palestinians In Favor Of Ceasefire
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ynetnews
by Ali Waked - June 11, 2008 - 5:21pm

"We have identified a skepticism that could cause them to act against the Egyptians or Israel." Baidatz added that recently there has been criticism launched against Hamas in Gaza, despite the fact that their reputation was still holding firm. 'Don't talk of Gaza op' Baidatz also commented on the artillery being fired from the Strip. "Recently the use of the deadlier 120 mm mortar shells has been increased," he said. On Tuesday afternoon Palestinian gunmen fired 18 mortar shells towards Israel.

Cabinet: Israel Strives For Truce, Preparing For Gaza Op
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Ynetnews
by Roni Sofer - June 11, 2008 - 5:18pm

Following Wednesday's five-hour Jerusalem meeting on the situation in Gaza, which took place in the midst of another mortar barrage on the western Negev, the political-security cabinet issued a statement saying Israel would give Egypt's efforts to broker a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian terror groups a chance but at the same time gear up for a possible wide-scale operation in the Strip.

Shlomi’s Problem With Salam
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Al-ayyam
by Hassan Al-battal - June 11, 2008 - 5:14pm

A government that intended to advance the Palestinian agenda is actually doing that better than the eleven previous Fatah, unity, or nationalistic governments that preceded it. Fayyad’s government is President Abbas’s government, notwithstanding the implications by Riyad Al-Maliki, the information minister, who attended the 85th meeting of the government alongside the Palestinian Authority President.

Israeli Army Detains 28 Palestinians In The West Bank
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Kuwait News Agency (kuna)
June 11, 2008 - 4:00pm

RAMALLAH, June 11 (KUNA) -- More than 28 Palestinians were detained during an Israeli incursion executed on early Wednesday in the West Bank. Israeli troops stormed Nablus, Balata refugee camp, and Jenin as well as Al-Khalil (Hebron) and Tulkarem, Palestinian sources said. Israeli radio claimed that the detainees were among the Israeli security authorities' wanted, noting that they are currently being interrogated.

Israeli Settler Injured In Mortar Shelling That Started Fires – Spokesman
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Kuwait News Agency (kuna)
June 11, 2008 - 3:57pm

GAZA, June 11 (KUNA) -- An Israeli settler was injured and huge fire broke out in an agricultural filed on Wednesday when several mortar shells landed on the Israeli settlement of Nir-Oz, eastern Gaza Strip. An Israeli Army spokesman said that two mortar shells were fired early this morning from Gaza Strip targeting the Israeli settlement and injuring one of its residents, and also causing a fire in a farm.

Israeli Troops Kill 3 Hamas Fighters
ATFP World Press Roundup Article from Arab News
by Hisham Aby Taha & Mohammed Mar’i - June 11, 2008 - 3:56pm

GAZA CITY/RAMALLAH, 11 June 2008 — Israeli troops killed three Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip yesterday as Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with top ministers to weigh up a possible military offensive on the besieged territory.

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